Tuesday, May 15, 2012

SIUniverse is now on tumblr

We've added another notch on our social media utility belt. After staking our claim on Facebook, twitter, and YouTube, we've decided to add tumblr to the mix. (We have a Pinterest board too, but, uh, I don't know how it works.)

The official SIUniverse tumblr has been around for a few weeks now, but this past Saturday was the official launch of what we're calling SHATTEREDay 'round these parts. Basically, every Saturday from now until the foreseeable future, we'll feature a sneak peek at the stuff we're getting in from artists and writers. And it's good stuff. Stuff we can't wait to share with the rest of you!

Last week on the tumblr, we unveiled character designs of Jimson Fo and John Henry from Jeff's "Driving Steel" sequel "The Breaking" by artist Krishna Sadasivam

Good stuff, right?

So bookmark the SIUniverse tumblr, and check it out every Satur... SHATTEREDay™ for new updates!